Metobs Files Request Application


The files are provided courtesy of SSEC/AOSS UW-Madison. Clients causing issues due to size or quantity of queries may be blocked from further access until the issue is resolved


Products Available

Currently, there are level_00 products from 2 instrument platforms accessible through this interface, the AOSS AERI and AOSS Tower. Level_00 products for the Mendota Buoy and level_a0 products for the AOSS Tower and Mendota Buoy will be made available soon.

Query Format

Base URL

The base URL of a files query specifies the requested file return format:<fmt>

Valid values for fmt are:


The formats are documented below in the section Data Formats.

Query String

The query string will specify what specific files you would like to query for. The standard format for a HTTP GET query string can be found at Essentially, separate the URL from the query string using a ? and the key=value parameters with a &. Depending on the client, you may need to use URL character encoding in the URL, such as a + in place of any spaces. For more information see Example queries.

The query string supports the following query parameters:

begin: Start of the query interval in UTC as YYYY-MM-DD or -<number of days>. If the format -<number of days> is used, begin is interpreted as a relative time starting from the current date. If begin is not specified, it provides the latest files based upon the end parameter.
streams: (Required) Colon separated list of product attributes to query for. streams are specified as a colon separated list of '<site>.<instrument>.<product_id>.<product_level>.<version_number>'. The version number may be specificed as '*' to choose the most recent version. The product ID may also be specified as '*' to choose all products for a given level.
Note: level and version is abbreviated (i.e. level_00 becomes l00 and version_00 becomes v00). Valid streams quantifiers for each site/instrument are documented below.
end: End of the query interval in UTC as YYYY-MM-DD. If not provided, it defaults to today.
dates: Individual query dates separated by colons in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. If provided, this parameter overrides the begin and end parameters.

Stream Quantifiers

AOSS Tower:

Stream Name File Pattern Description
aoss.tower.*.l00.* N/A
aoss.tower.*.l00.v00 N/A
aoss.tower.*.lb1.* N/A
aoss.tower.*.lb1.v00 N/A
aoss.tower.accum-precip-daily.lb1.* aoss_tower.accum_precip.%Y-%m-%d.png
aoss.tower.accum-precip-daily.lb1.v00 aoss_tower.accum_precip.%Y-%m-%d.png
aoss.tower.ascii.l00.* aoss_tower.%Y-%m-%d.ascii
aoss.tower.ascii.l00.v00 aoss_tower.%Y-%m-%d.ascii
aoss.tower.meteorogram-daily.lb1.* aoss_tower.meteorogram.%Y-%m-%d.png
aoss.tower.meteorogram-daily.lb1.v00 aoss_tower.meteorogram.%Y-%m-%d.png*
aoss.tower.pressure-daily.lb1.* aoss_tower.pressure.%Y-%m-%d.png
aoss.tower.pressure-daily.lb1.v00 aoss_tower.pressure.%Y-%m-%d.png* aoss_tower.solar_flux.%Y-%m-%d.png aoss_tower.solar_flux.%Y-%m-%d.png*
aoss.tower.wind-dir-daily.lb1.* aoss_tower.wind_dir.%Y-%m-%d.png
aoss.tower.wind-dir-daily.lb1.v00 aoss_tower.wind_dir.%Y-%m-%d.png
aoss.tower.wind-speed-daily.lb1.* aoss_tower.wind_speed.%Y-%m-%d.png
aoss.tower.wind-speed-daily.lb1.v00 aoss_tower.wind_speed.%Y-%m-%d.png


Stream Name File Pattern Description
aoss.aeri.*.l00.* N/A
aoss.aeri.*.l00.v00 N/A
aoss.aeri.csv-f1.l00.* %y%m%dF1.CSV
aoss.aeri.csv-f1.l00.v00 %y%m%dF1.CSV
aoss.aeri.csv-f2.l00.* %y%m%dF2.CSV
aoss.aeri.csv-f2.l00.v00 %y%m%dF2.CSV
aoss.aeri.cxs-b1.l00.* %y%m%dB1.CXS
aoss.aeri.cxs-b1.l00.v00 %y%m%dB1.CXS
aoss.aeri.cxs-b2.l00.* %y%m%dB2.CXS
aoss.aeri.cxs-b2.l00.v00 %y%m%dB2.CXS
aoss.aeri.cxs-f1.l00.* %y%m%dF1.CXS
aoss.aeri.cxs-f1.l00.v00 %y%m%dF1.CXS
aoss.aeri.cxs-f2.l00.* %y%m%dF2.CXS
aoss.aeri.cxs-f2.l00.v00 %y%m%dF2.CXS
aoss.aeri.par.l00.* %y%m%d.PAR
aoss.aeri.par.l00.v00 %y%m%d.PAR
aoss.aeri.qc.l00.* %y%m%d.QC
aoss.aeri.qc.l00.v00 %y%m%d.QC
aoss.aeri.rnc-c1.l00.* %y%m%dC1.RNC
aoss.aeri.rnc-c1.l00.v00 %y%m%dC1.RNC
aoss.aeri.rnc-c2.l00.* %y%m%dC2.RNC
aoss.aeri.rnc-c2.l00.v00 %y%m%dC2.RNC
aoss.aeri.scr-aesitter.l00.* AESITTER.SCR
aoss.aeri.scr-aesitter.l00.v00 AESITTER.SCR
aoss.aeri.scr-radiance.l00.* RADIANCE.SCR
aoss.aeri.scr-radiance.l00.v00 RADIANCE.SCR
aoss.aeri.scr-summary.l00.* SUMMARY.SCR
aoss.aeri.scr-summary.l00.v00 SUMMARY.SCR
aoss.aeri.sum.l00.* %y%m%d.SUM
aoss.aeri.sum.l00.v00 %y%m%d.SUM
aoss.aeri.uvs-b1.l00.* %y%m%dB1.UVS
aoss.aeri.uvs-b1.l00.v00 %y%m%dB1.UVS
aoss.aeri.uvs-b2.l00.* %y%m%dB2.UVS
aoss.aeri.uvs-b2.l00.v00 %y%m%dB2.UVS
aoss.aeri.uvs-f1.l00.* %y%m%dF1.UVS
aoss.aeri.uvs-f1.l00.v00 %y%m%dF1.UVS
aoss.aeri.uvs-f2.l00.* %y%m%dF2.UVS
aoss.aeri.uvs-f2.l00.v00 %y%m%dF2.UVS

ARM Product Levels:

Product levels are based on the ARM data levels. More information can be found here.

Example Queries

Data Formats:


  • Comma separated list of values with a single line header of file names:
    # status: success
    # code: 200
    # message:
    # num_results: 2
    # Fields: filename, url, site, inst, level, size


For displaying data using javascript or AJAX, use a JSON format. The api automatically returns that format as a CORS HTTP request; this particular CORS request allows cross origin get requests.

  • The JSON structure:
        "code": 200,
        "data": [
                        "filename": "rig_tower.2016-08-03.ascii",
                        "inst": "tower",
                        "level": "level_00",
                        "site": "aoss",
                        "size": 0,
                        "url": ""
                        "filename": "rig_tower.2016-08-04.ascii",
                        "inst": "tower",
                        "level": "level_00",
                        "site": "aoss",
                        "size": 0,
                        "url": ""
        "message": "",
        "num_results": 2,
        "status": "success"


  • A bash script that allows the user to download all files in their directory of choice on a mac/linux machine. The downloads will be placed inside /path/to/current/directory/data/<site>/<inst>/YYYY/MM/DD/<filename>:
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # status: success
    # code: 200
    # message:
    # num_results: 2
    # Instructions for post-download:
    # 1. Using the command line, go to the directory where this script is saved
    # 2. Make this script executable 'chmod +x <name of script>'
    # 3. Run the script 'bash <name of script>'
    #Create directory structure
    if [[ ! -d data ]]; then
        mkdir data
    cd data
    #get files
    xargs -n1 curl --create-dirs -o '#1' <<EOF{aoss/tower/level_00/version_00/2016/08/rig_tower.2016-08-03.ascii}{aoss/tower/level_00/version_00/2016/08/rig_tower.2016-08-04.ascii}
  • bat

  • A batch script that allows the user to download all files in their directory of choice on a windows machine. The downloads will be placed inside /path/to/current/directory/data/<site>/<inst>/YYYY/MM/DD/<filename>:
    @echo off
    REM status: success
    REM code: 200
    REM message:
    REM num_results: 2
    REM Instructions for post-download:
    REM 1. Using windows' command line, go to the directory where this script is saved
    REM 2. Tap in
    REM 3. Hold ctrl + c when download are done and hit Y, then enter
    REM 4. Finally, files will be in a data directory
    if not exist %cd%\data\aoss\tower\level_00\version_00\2016\08 (
        mkdir %cd%\data\aoss\tower\level_00\version_00\2016\08
    if not exist %cd%\data\aoss\tower\level_00\version_00\2016\08 (
        mkdir %cd%\data\aoss\tower\level_00\version_00\2016\08
    bitsadmin /create myDownloadJob
    bitsadmin /addfile myDownloadJob %cd%\data\aoss\tower\level_00\version_00\2016\08rig_tower.2016-08-03.ascii
    bitsadmin /addfile myDownloadJob %cd%\data\aoss\tower\level_00\version_00\2016\08rig_tower.2016-08-04.ascii
    bitsadmin /resume myDownloadJob
    bitsadmin /SetNotifyCmdLine myDownloadJob "%SystemRoot%\system32\bitsadmin.exe" "%SystemRoot%\syste,32\bitsadmin.exe /complete myDownloadJob"
    bitsadmin /monitor
  • Getting Help

    If you have comments, suggestions, or require help, please contact the MetObs Webmaster.